Mapitola-S to America

Mapitola-S to America


News item text

Our story with Mapitola (George Z x Numero Uno/2017) is a story about friendship and trust with three of our good business partners. And it finishes with two equestrian legends!

But let's start with the beginning: When our Italian friend Benedetto Mancini has showed us Mapitola for the first time, we knew we would not have to try her ourselves, we knew we could trust Benedetto and buy that mare, even that she was as green as grass!

So we've entrusted Mapitola to our riding friend Bertrand Genin who made a great job on her and who would have loved to keep her a bit longer... Sorry Bertrand!

But one day our good Brazilian friend Pedro Renault has asked us to bring Mapitola to Remouchamps, to Francois Mathy's yard... We knew that Pedro wouldn't ask if it was not for a serious reason - so we went there!

So today we would like to say thank you to Benedetto, Bertrand and Pedro... And congratulations to Francois Mathy and McLain Ward on the purchase of Mapitola-S !!


